

The Priceless Dog
A Lady was traveling by steamer from one city to another in America.On board with her were her baby boy and a maid.The maid was carrying the child in her arms.
As the steamer approached the dock, it began to slacken speed. The maid walked to the side of the vessel to it over, when all at once the child sprang out of her arms, and fell into the water below. The swift stream carried him quickly away.
The mother was nearly wild with grief and fear. The sailors began to lower a boat. But everyone could see that the child would drown before the boat could reach it. What could be done?
Among the people on board was a gentleman who had been quietly raeding in another part of the steamer. Hearing the cries of the mother,he came quietly forward and said,"Can ypu give me something the child has worn?"
The maid gave him a tiny apron,which had been left in her hands as she tried to save the child from falling. The gentleman turned to a fine Newfoundland dog that stood near, looking up into his face. He frist to the apron, and then to the spot where the child had sunk.
In an instant the noble dog sprang into the river. You can imagine how everyone on board felt! Would the dog reach the child in time to save its life? Soon the dog was seen far away with something in his mouth. Bravely he swam against the stream, but it was feared that his strength would soon give away. More than one on board cried for joy as the boat reached him.The sailors drew the child and dog from the water.
When they brought on board the steamer, the mother ran frist to her little boy to see if he was alive. Then she rushed forward, throwing her arms round the dog's neck, and burst into tears. She kissed his shaggy head, and said to the owner,"Oh, sir, I must have this dog! I will give anything for the dog that has saved my darling's life!"
The gentleman smiled, and patted his dog's head, as he said:" I am very glad, madam, that Hector has been of service to you; but I would not part with him for anything in the world.
The dog looked as if he knew that they were talking about him. He gave his body a shake, and laid down at his master's feet, with a look in his big eyes that seemed to say, "No, master, nothing shall part us!" ☆
